Thursday, February 26, 2009


I am in a quandary. Everyday I have more questions than answers. I guess that is part of being human today. Our world is being disassembled one piece at a time right before our eyes. We are immersed in fear and insecurity. The changes seem to be happening so quickly I suspect we will only fully understand the transformation in hindsight.

Some days it seems as though humanity is deteriorating rather than getting better. Other days it feels like nothing is happening. Sometimes it looks like humanity is doomed, but I really don't believe this in my heart.

All I can sense for certain is that something very unusual is happening. Are we being nudged by our higher intelligence onto the path of consciousness? Are we on the edge of a brand new frontier? Our entire world is in flux and I am sensing a brand-new, more light-filled existence is in the making.

The overwhelming feeling of having so many variables at play makes me uncertain of how best to navigate this vast unknown. How can I proceed without "seeing" what is in front of me? How can I know if the steps I am personally taking are leading anywhere constructive?

I find some comfort in "knowing" a few things and consider them often to help find my way. First, I believe that my soul came in at this auspicious time prepared to deal with all the changes. I believe I have been developing key qualities throughout my life that helps me make optimal use of being alive now during the twenty-first century.

I feel the quickening of humanity's evolutionary cycle is giving me the opportunity to wake up my soul's potential and address unfinished business. It is hard to imagine the roles and identities I have been living could be unlearned and become increasingly empowering. At the core of my being I know there is nothing to fix. My essence is pure and perfect. The things that need to be addressed and cleared are the layers of dysfunction I have taken on from my past human conditioning.

Another thing I understand is the importance of living in the present moment. This means deciding right now that the energy of what I can create with my thoughts, feelings and actions matters in each and every moment. I was taught to look back on the past and to plan for the future. I believe this training came from a fixed, linear perspective that is part of the old-paradigm world that is crumbling.

Creation isn't limited to what I have done before. It involves unlimited possibilities. I was taught to think in limited ways and to regard myself as small and insignificant and needing outside direction and help. The new shift gives me a broader perspective. It wakes me up to my divine nature and reminds me that I am the one who creates my world.

In deciding my next moves, I feel the need to become increasing skilled in managing my energy, not only my physical energy but also my emotional and mental states. I need to be acutely conscious about how I am thinking and feeling. I believe the way to do this is by monitoring my thoughts and emotional states, without judgment, to better understand and harness my own energy.

I feel there is an increased need to listen to what my body is telling me, honoring its messages and taking intelligent action based on what I discover. My body gives me the information about what is happening in my inner and outer worlds.

I need to begin paying more attention to activities or people in my life that leave me feeling drained. I refuse to give my power away by blaming others for my discontent. It is important for me to consider what specifically is triggering disharmony within myself. By looking deeply inside myself I should be able to pinpoint any painful patterns that are catalyzed in these situations and take action to remedy what I find.

It is time to actualize my greatest resource: the ability to discern and disseminate the truth about my world and myself. I need to stop walking around blindly feeling hopelessly lost instead of having an awareness of what is real. I can find clarity about what is real, who to believe and trust and where to go next by developing spiritually and dropping the baggage of my past. It feels important to recognize my spiritual transformation is a process and not a punishment. That should make it easier to accept what is. I want to fight the urge to stay in my comfort zone and resist and fight the changes, because intuitively I feel that would only lead to needless suffering.

Maybe I have more direction than I thought. I have always believed that the answers are present in the questions. Hopefully, listening to my questions and being committed to growing will lead me out of my quandary and into a full and conscious life.

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