I have been introducing myself for the past several months to the teachings of Abraham. As I understand it, Abraham is a group of Non-Physical entities who are channeled through a woman, Ester Hicks. Abraham is one of many who have come through to us at this point in our evolution to help us become conscious of our full potential. Abraham talks a lot about getting into a better feeling place which gives us new ways of looking at old ways of looking at life.
I had a perfect opportunity to experience this a few weeks ago. I have been playing in a new community orchestra which has an abundance of violas and cellos and not enough violins. In fact, for most of the time I have been playing with them I have been the only 1st violin. The pressure I felt carrying this important part for the entire orchestra took away a lot of the fun.
What happened a few weeks ago threw me totally off balance. An elderly man showed up at the beginning of a rehearsal and introduced himself as the Concertmaster. This actually was a relief to me. I sat down on the inside of the first stand and set my music up and began practicing difficult passages.
He came over, sat down and put his music on top of mine. I felt immediate large emotions, mostly relating to having spent weeks figuring out the bowings with all the strings and the conductor. I calmly told him that and added that the strings weren't strong enough, in my opinion, to make bowing changes so close to the concert. He stiffened and bristled as I talked and I felt a wall of rage hit me. "NO! We will be using my bowings," he said. I repeated my concerns and he belligerently and rudely maintained his "no" position.
I knew I was off balance and my emotions were quickly slipping into old patterns and not putting me in a good place. So, I got up and packed up and left. I did not do this out of spite and anger but because I wanted to re-balance myself. In the quiet of my car my resistances began to melt and be replaced with allowing. I began to feel better. The negative feelings had taken me away from who-I-really-am.
"Anytime you are feeling negative emotions --or anytime your experience is diminished in any way--it is only because you, in your physical form, because of your physical thought, are not Vibrationally up to speed with the expanded version of you. Releasing resistant thoughts and concerns brings you to the non-Physical alignment state of Universal Well-Being which means effort and trying are replaced with relaxing and allowing...a state where worthiness is not earned, but simply accepted." Abraham
"Through this process, you will return to your Non-Physical understanding, and then problems will cease to be problems and will be seen for what they really are--life-giving opportunities for Eternal expansion." Abraham
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