Monday, November 30, 2009


Connection makes growth and change possible. The act of connecting is the creative process, the state of being and the life force. If you can view every connection that is made within a lifetime and see how one connection influences another, then you will understand the complexity and uniqueness of each human being on Earth.

The deepest need in the human psyche is for connection. Even in the womb there must be "enough" connection with the mother and environment for a child to be born. From birth on there are multiple and never ending connections made as a child becomes an adult, an elder and passing over at the end of life.

To have true connection it is important to know all parts of your self. Embracing the light, shadow, and dark is essential for growth and expansion. Without awareness of all aspects, connection is difficult because you are not able to be totally present. This makes authentic connection impossible.

Connection allows you to re-access what has meaning in your life. It encourages you to develop the important attributes in life: personal responsibility, self-initative and self-mastery. Living these attributes give you choices which determine the quality of your life. These choices need to come from a deep trust within yourself that your soul is your guidance system.

Creativity will become enhanced as you practice making choices and learning from the consequences of these choices. The purpose of life is to discover what brings you joyful vitality. Connection allows you to identify what allows your soul's consciousness to flow through you.

We all have the choice to participate in fear or in the path of hope of human evolution. The Earth energy is powerful and plentiful. All realities and all choices can coexist in this same field of time and space. As our vibrations shift and change from the choices we make, we create new ways to live.

Living with this level of connection puts us in a position of being able to serve and grow toward a higher level of human consciousness than we have ever known. Growth and change are the results of connection. They are within our reach and the touchstone to our future.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Gratitude for Consciousness

At the current time, many people are obsessing and feeling paranoid about how bad things in the world are. That makes it even more important to offer a powerful blessing by filling the ether with gratitude, both for the big events we have encountered in recent years and for all the little things we have a tendency to take for granted.

It is important to step back from what we perceive as problematic and scary and think in terms of the planet's spiritual growth as well as our own. There are many things for which to be thankful. How wondrous to be privileged to share in the illumination process of the planet Earth. How wondrous to be able to recognise and acknowledge the flow of divinity within the mundane and within each other. How exciting that we are the privileged who hold the vision for a new Earth. There is so much to celebrate, so much to appreciate and so much to marvel. We can celebrate the balance we are bringing into our own lives as well as that of the planet.

While the problems of the Earth may appear out of control at the present time, it is important for each one who is living and experiencing on the planet at the present time to accept responsibility for what is going on. While it might be tempting to blame others for our predicament, this is not the answer. As we view the apparent mess that is presenting itself for solutions at this time, it is tempting to try to find just who is to blame and then mentally try to convict those we deem guilty. Again, this is not the answer. In fact, it is more of the same old patriarchal energy the stimulated the arising of these problems in the first place.

Because so many of the models we observe and pattern our lives after continue to persist in the blame game it may, at times, be tempting for our egos to fall into the same pattern. After all, it may attempt to reason, if we can just find the guilty party, that person could be held accountable and life could go on in a better fashion. While it may be tempting to access blame to a person or group of people we deem guilty of social crimes against the planet, doing this misses a very important point: They are all parts of us.

The truth is, all the problems of Earth belong to all people of Earth. This means that each one of us must bear some of the responsibility for all of the problems we perceive. It cannot be otherwise. All those attempts (in our minds) to separate ourselves from all those we see as guilty only serves to exacerbate the problem. Additionally, it robs us of the internal space for thanksgiving and contributes to the relative lack of balance seen in the world today.

The absence of balance that fosters the non-clarity and distorting motivations that have brought about this current crisis has arisen from the collective mental conglomerate of the human race and simply cannot be pinned on a few select individuals. This is true no matter how harshly we judge the few.

It is tempting to slip into victimhood here. However, the truth lies in the fact that we are not victims. While this may be somewhat difficult to let in, facing and embodying this truth can help us cut through that non-clarity and distortional thinking and projecting. The ramifications of the predicaments may appear to be paralyzing in certain economic sectors and may seem difficult to deal with in conventional reality, but the old patriarchal habits will offer neither solution nor solace.

Facing our difficulties, if we are paying attention, will help us notice that the moment is ripe with possibility. This is something for which we can be quite grateful. If a solution is to be found, it will come about as a result of consciously viewing old patterns with fresh eyes and seeing the possibilities that have not previously been seen.