Friday, December 30, 2011


Every now and then there is a moment in my life when I have the experience that is like a lock clicking open. Those are the moments I love the most, because they are the ones when I am aligned with myself and something greater than myself. It can happen all on its own (I never know when) although it is more likely to occur with intention. Either way, I can’t help but want more and more moments like them.

When I focus on and imagine being aligned with the Divine, I don’t know exactly what that means. All I know is there something far greater than me. I can sense and experience this in nature, in people, in everything. When I really stop and look, smell, listen and feel—I find myself in the moment. Then there is expansion and connection and I know I am in the presence of the Divine.

When I was growing up I had a strong ties with something greater than myself. Maybe it was all the time I spent climbing trees, watching clouds or growing gardens of flowers and vegetables. I
could not say exactly what it was I experienced that gave me this message but I knew it was Truth. I used to wash small rocks in water and watch them sparkle in the sun’s rays. Those were times I was certain there was something greater.

My Protestant upbringing taught me an abstract way of thinking about someone greater. It brought up questions that never got resolved although I asked a number of people who professed to believe the point of view. Now I understand that, like the many facets on a crystal, there have been a number of people throughout time who have been totally aligned with the Divine. Organized religion is a way to describe one example.

When I was in my twenties and thirties, at the beginning stages of my awareness of a “spiritual path”, there was a lot of talk and a plethora of teachings about the Divine from many different perspectives. I remember yearning for those particular peaceful moments and yet, the sense of connection and alignment remained somewhat theoretical for me.

Now, there are many people who have turned the priorities in their lives around to nurture their spiritual life. The energy and state of mind that only a few could reach before is now extremely accessible to all those who seek it. In fact, with the extensive disruption in the world today, it feels incredibly important that as many people as possible work to be with and live from a place of conscious alignment. Whatever approach we take to reach that connection
does not matter. Getting on the path and living with awareness and gratitude is what is compelling and important.

More than anything, I have always wanted to live my life connected to the Divine. I am very excited to feel that now it is within the realm possibility of attaining. I yearn to have each moment be alive with the expansiveness of something greater than myself. There is no more running away for me. I am now running toward the Divine with my hands, heart and mind wide open. I want the connection. I want those moments to come one after another. I want to experience the lock clicking.