As of today the Mayan calendar is finished. Now what are we going to do? Can our world, that is this week bulging to a population of 7 billion people, survive without it? For as long as I can remember, I have heard about the calendar and how it abruptly ends. It has been equated by some people’s belief that the world was coming to an end. Obviously the correlation did not exist.
But what if something is shifting in our brains or DNA that we are unaware of? What if we wake up tomorrow morning with much more consciousness and don’t even know it. What would that experience be? Would I still make a pot of coffee and read the morning paper? Or would I find myself caught in the present, meditating in front of my bonsai tree?
I want to be more conscious. The fleeting experiences of it that I have had have spaciously augmented my “present” moments. My “present” is changed in those moments because more of me shows up, keenly aware, focused, relaxed. I am changed. That is precisely what my experience has been like of being present in the moment. Change. Expansion. Peace.But what if something is shifting in our brains or DNA that we are unaware of? What if we wake up tomorrow morning with much more consciousness and don’t even know it. What would that experience be? Would I still make a pot of coffee and read the morning paper? Or would I find myself caught in the present, meditating in front of my bonsai tree?
I am angry with myself for all the moments I have missed by being distracted by some figment of drama that has taken up my daily life. As I look back on it I have had all the tools to live in the moment from the time I was very little. Certainly, all the psychological and spiritual work I have done since has headed me up the path of consciousness over and over again.
Still, when each moment comes it is still a crap shoot whether or not I will show up. I wonder if the Mayans got distracted from all their mathematics and astronomy and just stopped making their calendar? That would make sense in the model I am building for myself. And yet, I’m comparing my personal experience with an entire civilization of very intellectually advanced people.
I wonder if this is the way the collective works? It is difficult for me to grasp that what I do or do not do could affect the entirety of civilization, and yet in the deepest part of my being I know this is the truth. Each one of us has the ability to tip the consciousness scale from the personal to the collective. But what if I forget or my neighbor gets too busy or the folks in Kansas don’t know anything about a spiritual journey. I guess then we have a hundred monkeys that stay unconscious. At this point in my life that seems like a foolish waste, knowing and believing what I do about how the Universe works.
I believe we are all part of the same Oneness. Each of us is a facet of the whole of creation. I believe we are becoming more aware of the fact we are all One. I feel the connection to everything growing in this time we are living. Many people are afraid of our world falling apart, but isn’t that necessary so that it can be put together with a completely different kind of awareness.
The old ways thinking and being--of dominance, duality, and cause and effect--is breaking down. Now, instead of separation, we see people coming together globally in large groups with a common mind. That is the new consciousness emerging. We can no longer operate without a spiritual sense of all being One. It is no longer possible to feel superior when the technology of the world brings us face to face with starvation, poverty and death everywhere in the world, including where we are.
Many people are afraid. Change is scary. When I was little there was still the false belief that things would remain the same. But, today everything is different. It is an exciting time to be alive. It feels like we are on the brink of an amazing awakening. In a spiritual sense, haven’t we all chosen to be here at this time? That would indicate to me we have everything we need to make the shift.
Is this what the Mayans faced at their turning point in history? Did they not have the spiritual tools, the perseverance, the fortitude and internal strength to deal with change? Did they get caught up in the old way of thinking and let themselves be obliterated by war and death? Did they all die out from a cataclysmic event? Or did they just sit up one day and decide they didn’t want to get conscious and keeping such an elaborate calendar was not worth the effort?