I have a very unusual relationship with my sister. She knows what I am thinking without my even saying a word. Now, that might be disconcerting to some people, but I love it.
When we are out shopping, I know just what she would like. And, she, in the same way, knows my preferences to a tee. It's the same with people. We just seem to pick up the same things about people. We talk about it later and have the same perceptions. It is uncanny.
We also have the same taste. We can walk into each other's homes and find the same things. Sometimes it feels amazing that we can know from several thousand miles away just what the other has. It makes it easy to give each other gifts.
When we were growing up we didn't appreciate our "gift". We were so so different. She loved to stay inside and create doll clothes. You would find me hanging out of a tree or playing baseball with the neighborhood boys. We felt about as different from one another as you could possibly get.
She would always give me "the look" if we were around something that we were both perceiving. In retrospect, I guess this was my first clue that we were on the same page. She would also give me "the look" when I did something that offended her--like running around without a shirt when we were very small.
I don't know exactly when she became my best friend. I think we might have been in our forty's. It just snuck up on us. It wasn't anything that we were trying for, or anything we could have imagined. It probably happened gradually. Since we have lived in different parts of the country and didn't see each other that often it was more difficult to detect.
Now, though, she is my safe place. She is my favorite place to be. I
am glad to have someone who knows me, sometimes better than myself. I can trust her to be honest with me about everything. She is the first person I turn to whether it's good or bad. And, she is always right there. Solid. Present to me. Loving me to the max.
I am lucky and I know it. She is the greatest blessing in my life and I am glad now when we can spend time together. It is the most comfortable thing in the world.